Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Project 3.. i think

All of my links to the other sites are on my blog. The only thing I enjoyed about this project was the myspace page I created. It was hard getting friends on facebook because no one knew who I was. But I already have friends on myspace and got a message from a girl about her messaging me. It was weird. I created a character that would be my dog if he were human and incorporated my dogs friends as humans and vice versa. I tried to create a bit of employment drama, but we will see how that goes. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More stuff for Project 3

I have not gotten anything accomplished for this project yet. I know that I am using facebook and a blogger. Other than that, I am still trying to figure things out. I had planned on getting started over spring break on this.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

drama for Project 3

I am honestly, not quite sure about this project yet. I am creating a persona for my dog. He is going to be rowdy and a big partier. I believe I am going to say that I am his pet. He will also be very athletic. I am going to use facebook and blogger as the two accounts. Then I will have pictures and destinations I will be going to over spring break. I will map out my big parties and invite people. Google maps will be a part of these as well as twitter.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thoughts on 3rd project

I am going to probably create a person that, if my dog were human- this is who he would be. The name will be Percy Morris and he is going to be wild and crazy. He will be a hard ass and yet loving in his own way (not real visible). He will be living in Melbourne, Florida near the beach. He can be destructive. This is going to be a challenge, because creating an individual means you need creativity. I believe this will be fun though. On the google map, there will be places that he has been including, Florida, WV, DC, and Scotland. He grew up in Morgantown and eventually moved to Florida, once he graduated from Obedience school.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Project #1 Reflection

I have to say that I have never had a blog before and had no idea what I was doing at first. Actually, I had not much of an idea until the day this was due. At first, I thought I was doing something wrong with blogging, but now I know it was just me being dumb. I have to say that I enjoyed this project, because I learned a lot. I am still a little fuzzy about how to insert media into a google map. I tried it, but it didn't work! Hopefully, everything in my blog turned out like it was supposed to, if not, I suppose I will know when the grades come out!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Link to first part of story- Project 1

Here is the link to the first part of my story.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More on new storyline

I might add an alternate ending. One ending will be that the guy survives and heads back to rehab and the other could be that the guy actually got robbed by a friend (they were drinking in his room before the attack) and the odor coming from the laundry room was the body, stabbed to death. I have several pictures of blood spatter from the actual scene. I also have a couple of pictures of the overall room, ransacked. They will actually allow the reader to visualize the crime scene. The pictures will be easily inserted into the story.